Best Productivity Apps for a Productive Year

Is one of your goals for 2017 to get more organized or be more productive with your work day? Did you know there are a number of great applications that you can install on your phone or computer to help you meet that goal and up your productivity? Below are just a few great apps that can help make your day the most productive possible.   This blog post also has a lengthy list of good apps to help you become your most productive self in 2017.

Productivity App #1

Momentum: A browser extension that helps you set your main goal for your work day. It gives you a daily quote, allows your to keep your to-do list, and provides a scenic background. Every time you open a new tab on your browser you will see Momentum, this will help ward off temptations of visiting unproductive websites.

Productivity App #2

Pomodoro Timer: This app helps you manage the time on tasks with a 25-minute timer followed by a 5-minute break.   Promotes the Pomodoro technique of focusing on one task then taking a forced break.

Productivity App #3

Evernote: This app has been around for a while but nonetheless is a valuable tool to keep your work notes, documents, and pictures stored in one location. It can be accessed from your computer or phone.

Productivity App #4

Wunderlist: A great way to help you manage your tasks and set deadlines. Wunderlist allows you to develop, manage, and share to-do lists for yourself and others.

Productivity App #5

Google Keep: This app can be accessed from your phone or computer as long as you have a Google account. This app allows you store quick notes or voice memos. Think of it as sticky notes on your phone to help you with quick reminders or when you are in a rush but need to remember something.

Productivity App #6

Boomerang: If you have a Gmail account you may want to add Boomerang to your e-mail. This extension allows your to manage your inbox by taking e-mails out of your inbox and returning them at a time you are ready to use. It also allows you to schedule emails in your outbox and monitor if your e-mails have been opened by recipients.


While there are numerous productivity apps out there to help you stay productive and organized, it is crucial to find the ones that best fit your needs and test them out by using them intentionally to see if they help your productivity and organization needs.


Jan. 11, 2017