The holidays are a busy time of year for everyone. It is a time when we are shopping, traveling, attending parties, and much more. It also happens to be the time when many college students have their fall finals. Final exams are stressful enough without the added stress the holidays can bring. However, there are a few things you can do to make your final exam and holiday season less stressful.
Plan Ahead
Final exam dates are found in your course syllabus or on the school’s official final exam schedule usually found on the school’s website. A few weeks before finals, make a list of all your finals to include the days and times they will take place. Put all your exam dates on a calendar so you can don’t schedule other events during the same time. Also, determine which classes will require more time to study to help you prioritize which exams you will need more time to prepare for.
Create a Study Schedule
Once you have your list of finals complete, create a realistic study schedule and write it down on your calendar. Be sure you include time for review sessions or study groups if those are available to you.
Organize your Materials
As you head into finals, you should organize your study materials. This includes lecture notes, books, flashcards, etc. that you will need to study for finals.
Reward Yourself and Take Breaks
Having finals during the holiday season means there is a lot on your mind. While studying, make sure you reward yourself with breaks and do something you enjoy (or sneak in a shopping trip)!
Mark your Calendar
Make sure your calendar also has all holiday parties, travel plans, etc. This time of year can be hard to remember all commitments. Try keeping all school and holiday commitments in one calendar to help plan.